Friday, January 31, 2014

Thoughts about writing/The inaugural first post

The hardest thing about blogging is getting started. Not that I would know, since I have no blogging experience, but I really hope it's true. I feel a bit like I am standing on a stage, and if I don't do something interesting really soon, the tomatoes are going to start flying.
After playing shrink with myself and reassuring that there will be no vegetables thrown in my direction, I will continue with my intention to stop saying that I should really write more and just do it. No expectations. Also, no limitations. At least as far as topics go. This is to give myself no excuse not to post because something I want to write about is unrelated. If it relates to me in any way, it will be on the inter-webs for the world to nod to, judge, or just voluntarily waste time reading.
Writing has never been easy, but always gratifying and worthwhile. Kind of like reading, it's almost never a bad idea.